Toontown What's New Blog

What’s YOUR Favorite Joke?
Toons tell them to each other to Toon-up. Knock-Knock Doors say them when you walk by. Cogs wouldn’t know one if it bit them on the behind. They’re JOKES, and they’re one of the most valuable things in Toontown!
How’s about you tell us YOUR favorite joke!

Posted on February 04, 2011 to:

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Good ol' Zippy Beaniegoose says:

I cant decide which joke I like the best, I like them all!

Abigail says:

My favorite is one that a door tells you. And here it is. Door: knock,knock. Me: who's there? Door: Oscar. Me: oscar who? Door: Oscar her a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer! i love that one! hahaha!!! :)

Pickles Nuttyflap says:

Knock knock. Who's there? Nobody. Nobody who? .

Mystery Mouse says:

I have a great knock knock joke. OK you start... You: Knock Knock Me: Who's there? LOL

ToonCouncil says:

That one gets me every time, Mystery Mouse!

Crimson says:

Knock Knock! Who’s there? Daisy. Daisy who? Daisy that you are in, but I don’t believe them. lol XD

Brambleclaw says:

What did the V.P. say when he found out that the new cogs were toons? I don't know I haven't gotten my suit yet.

Mya says:

i could of said my favourite joke but it was stolen from those movers and shakers so hopefullly i can tell you soon

awesomness says:

My favorite joke is.... What's Beethoven's favorite fruit? The Ban-nan-nan-aaaaaa!

Jellyroll Zillerwig says:

What do you call a Mushroom at a party? A Fun-guy! (Fungae!)

Pearl Loopenswirl says:

Where do rocks sleep? In a bed of rocks!

super chip (82 laff) says:

knock knock whos thare i am

ToonCouncil says:

Nice to see you super chip!

Beanfink says:

What do you call a seagull who only flies around the bay? A BAGEL!! Hyuk hyuk!

Little Penny Feathermarble says:

My favorite joke is : Knock knock. Who's there? Minnie. Minne who? Minne people have asked that, and its driving me nuts! Hey, I know it's cheesey, but i AM a mouse!

Smirky Bumberpop says:

Door: Knock Knock! Me: Who's there? Door: Atta Me: Atta who? Door: Atta my way! I gotta get those jokes back from the cogs!

Emerald says:

My fav. joke is, what do you call a parrot and ant mixed? A Walkie Talkie, because the ant walks and the parrot talks

Daphne Fizzle Poof says:

What do you get when you cross a duck and a cog? A Quackbot

Coconut says:

My favourite joke is "Knock knock." "Who's there?" "Mover and Shaker." "Mover and Shaker who?" "Mover and shaker can't take another JOKE!" What's yours?

piggy says:

so a duck walks into the gag shop with only 1 shoe and the clerk asks did you lose a shoe? and the duck says back no i found one!

Jalli says:

What do you use to unlock a Bossbot building? A Flun-key! BUD-UM-BUM

ToonCouncil says:

Love it Jalli!!!

kai says:

why did the chikin cros the raod

Moonlight says:

Whats black and white and red all over A penguin rolling down the hill with a sun burn!

Dippy Nickelbounce says:

My favorite joke is a PIE IN THE FACE while racing at Goofy's Speedway! Now THAT'S a joke!

pink pink says:

knock knock. hows there? dockter. dockter how? no not that one

Princess Pinky says:

Yeah. Cogs cant stop toons from telling jokes! We can still tell jokes!! :D

Z.Z says:

My favorite joke is knock knock whos there olive olive who olive you!!!

Claire says:

My favorite joke goes like this, I made it up when I was 10! Knock knock! Who's there? Ivanna Ivanna who? Ivanna doggie treat! I was only 10 so please don't make fun =)! The knock knock person is supposed to be a dog owner. And the who's there person is supposed to be a puppy!

ToonCouncil says:

You were a funny 10 year old, Claire!

alec says:

My favorite joke would be "how does the ocean say goodbye"? It waves get it!!!!

Duke says:

First Comment! My favorite joke is... : Why are saturday and sunday so powerful? Because they aren't weak days!

Olly [110 laff] says:

What do you call a deer with no eyes? No eye deer! and What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Still no eye deer!

cool lollipop pepperzap says:

my favorite joke is "knock knock" "whos there?" "elsie" "elsie who" "Elsie you later" get it? like ill see you later tell me if you do

ToonCouncil says:

I do, cool lollipop pepperzap!

Zipity says:

My favorite joke is awsome and toontastic it goes like this knock knock whoes there flower flower who i am not a flower i am a flounder

Nova Greensocks says:

Does a limerick count as a joke? *ahem* There once was a Cog who was blue. He didn't quite know what to do! When he fought with a Toon, he was hit with a Goon And a doodle ran off with his shoe!

romeo bumpenswirl says:

my favorite jokes are "isabell broken?" and claustrophobia.

Violet says:

Knock Knock, who's there? Orange, orange who? Orange u sad our jokes are stolen?

Frappuccino says:

Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? To get to the bottom! Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the 'P' is silent! What do you call a fly without wings? A walk! What do you call a fish with no eye's? A Fsh! These are just four of my top favorite jokes! Aren't the funny? As long as I know these, the cogs will fear me!

Red says:

What happend to Batman and Robin when they got hit by a big truck? They turned into Flatman and Ribbon!

Captain Spike Rhinotoon says:

Joke: How do you wake up lady gaga? Answer:Poker Face ! Get it? Poke her face ! : - D

ToonCouncil says:

That one sounds funny Captain Spike Rhinotoon - if only I knew who Lady Gaga was!

Fat Tom Mizzentwist says:

Q. What did the big chimney say to the little chimney? A. Your too young to smoke.

courtney says:

Knock knock. Who’s there? Phillip. Phillip who? Phillip my bag with candy!

Missz.zwondernugget says:

what did the eye say to the other eye? answer: between you and me somthing smells. 2. what do frogs where? answer: jump suit. hope you had a good laff! heehee! :) plz post!

King Spike Weaselberry says:

What did the ninja say to the polar bear? ".... NINJA VANISH!!!!"

Queen Flippenzapper says:

My favorite joke is from toon up. It is: what do you call a spider that just got married? Answer: A newly web!!! I love that joke!

jessaca says:

my favorite joke is Knock-Knock whose there boo boo who dont cry its just me LOL and why cant baby bear go outside? he was in hes bare feet!

Princess Aqua says:

Why was six afraid of seven? Seven eight(ate) nine!

Miss Sammannatha says:

Why won't the elephant use the computer? He's afraid of the mouse :)

Falling Leaf says:

All of the jokes are my favorite! I can't decide which! I wonder what the Movers & Shakers are up to! Keep the pies and cakes flying! (P.S.: Please post this! I've never had a posted comment! Rock on Toontown!) ~ Falling Leaf ~

ToonCouncil says:

You have now, Falling Leaf!



Molly says:

As a citizen of Toontown, I would have to say that it is practically IMPOSSIBLE to choose a favorite joke, especially if your like me and can't think of one to say. Heehee.

Princess Lollipop says:

My favorite joke that the doors say is: Knock knock. Who's there? Kent. Kent who? Kent you tell? I love those knock knock jokes! :D

The awesome one says:

Q: Why was the ocean so embarrassed? A: Because everyone could see it's bottom!

Wildtwist says:

:D my favorite joke would probably be this: Why did the chicken cross the playground? Answer: To get to the other slide! :) that jokes always make me laugh!!!!! here is one i made up: Why don't ducks tell jokes while they are flying? Answer: Because they wont quack up :D Toons of the world unite!!! i hope those mover&shakers don't take the jokes till we know what their plan is keep on fighting them!!!!

Deputy Frizzy Weaselzilla says:

Knock Knock Who's There The New The New Who The New York Times I Don't Get It Me Neither, I Get the New York World lol

Twilight says:

Hmmm.. Not a real one for knock knock jokes :p. My fav is kinda lame, but here it is (It's cute :D) It's from the megaphone gag My friend thinks he's a rubber band. I told him to snap out of it. :D. LOL Well there! From Twilight ~~~

Loopy Cecil Poodlebouncer says:

Here's my joke TT! hope you enjoy! What do you call a Loan Shark that wont share? selFISH! GO FLIPPY!

cuddly lightning (105 laff) says:

theres this one legged toon.were does she work?????? at ihop!!!!hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaaaa!!!!!!!!!! ps.i LOVE sammie picklequack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ToonCouncil says:

That's a good one, cuddly lightning!

aron says:

knock knock whos there ida ida who ida know thats my favorite

Shay says:

I love the one that says Knock, knock! Who's there? Hugo! Hugo who? Hugo first, I'll wait! I think that's how it goes! Toons of the World, Unite!

safari says:

hey toons of toontown. your right, jokes are our most prized possetion,us toons tell 'em back and forth to each other... so,"SPEAK UP n tell your favorate joke!" the toon HQ would love to hear them as much as we do!............"Knock knock... Who's there?....Auto.....Auto who?....Auto know,but i forgot!" now toons what about your favorate joke?...Toon HQ help us out and tell your favorate jokes. toons don't be shy, toontown is our town... love you flippy thanx for your help!

butterfly leaf says:

ok knock knock whos there? olive olive who? olive toontown

Princess Pearl says:

Here's one i made up: Q: why did the woman at the donut factory quit her job? A: she was fed up of the 'whole' buisiness! :) what's YOUR favorite joke, Flippy?

Gibby says:

Knock knock. Whos there? Anita. Anita who? Anita bath.

butterflyleaf says:

what did the ribcage say to the heart? i got you coverd!!! why was the snow yellow? someone spilled their lemonaid in it

Deputy Thunderslam says:

My favorite joke: My grandmother started walking 5 miles a day when she was 60. She's 95 today, and we don't know where in the world she is!

Fat Furball says:

Q. what did the egg say and the hot day A. Im fried haha this is my favourite joke

loopy says:

WHATS eats butter and flys? A BUTTERFLY

Taliya! says:

Q: What do you call a fish with no eye? A: A...Fsh! Q. Why did Goofy put a clock under his desk? A. Because he wanted to work over-time!

ToonCouncil says:

How did you know Goofy did that Taliya?

Noah says:

What as a head, a tail, but no body. A: a coin!

Tippy Lippy Kitty Toes says:

Cool! Here's one of my favorite knock knock jokes! (Its kind of long.) Knock Knock! Who's there? Red! Red who? Knock Knock! Who's there? Red! Red who? Knock Knock! Who's there? Red! Red who? Knock Knock! Who's there? Orange! Orange who? Orange you glad I didn't say red? Hee Hee!!

Flora says:

My favorite joke is: Knock,Knock Who's there? One One Who One-der why you keep asking that?

Sheriff Spike CheezyBurger says:

My favorite joke is- Why was the tomato blushing? Because he saw the salad dressing!!

little fluffy twinkle toes says:

uh why did the chicken cross the road? to get away from this post!

Ginger says:

my favorite joke is: knock knock! other person : whos there? boo! other person : boo who? aww its just a joke dont cry about it XD ITS FUNNY!

Vicky says:

Door : Knock knock. Me : Who's there? Door : Patsy. Me : Patsy who? Door : Patsy dog on the head, he likes it. From Toontown Central :D

coral mouse says:

i think there is going to be another operation!!!!!!!!!!!!!! joke: what did the cow say when he got stuck in traffic? moooooveeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shades says:

Q: So a guy walks into a bar, what does he say? A: Ouch

ToonCouncil says:

Makes sense to me, Shades!

Dusty says:

:P I know mine! I made it up :P! Knock Knock! Whos there? Orange! Orange who! Orange you glad i didnt get a good joke!

Mister Jumblebee says:

Whats green on the outside and yellow on the inside? A banana disguised as a cucumber!!

cool boo boo says:

knock knock who's there? knock knock /knock knock who? knock knock knock knock knock STOP KNOCKING ON THIS DOOR! lol

Mister Romeo Spacklecrash says:

Door:knock knock Toon: whos there Door:owls Toon:owls who Door: thats right owls hoo My FAVORITE joke ever. I <3 OWLS

MARIA says:

OK my joke is - knock knock who's there? Ima Ima who? Ima door

Ice Cream Cute Cat says:

Knock Knock. Whos there? Interuppting cow. Itterupting cow - MOO!

Miss Marigold Dandyflapper says:

Heres my favorite joke, Toon a: if you say gullible slowly it sounds like green beans. Toon b: gguuuuullllllliiiiiiibbbllllle. Toon a: HA HA HA HEE HEE!

Chriser says:

Mine is: Knock Knock. Who's there? Justin. Justin who? Justin time for dinner!

ToonCouncil says:

You know what I always say, Chriser? You can call me whatever you like, just don't call me late for dinner!

cale says:

well this is not ny favorite joke but a joke why didnt the eleaphant stay on the beach because is trucks keep falling down

super fluffy kooky boom says:

knock knock!! whos there?? chicken! lol

Sweet Molly says:

My favorite joke is in toontown!!! Heres my favorite... Door: Knock Knock Me: Who's there? Door: Fraid Me: Fraid who? Door: Fraid I've forgotten!!! Thanks for listening, ToonTown Council!!!!!

Princess Fancy McQuack( 66 Laff ) says:

I like.... Knock Knock Who's There? Wooden Shoe. Wooden Shoe who? Wooden Shoe like to know! LOL. It's funny... TOONS OF THE WORLD UNITE!

Pray (51 laff) Master cliff sniffle crumbs(104 laff) says:

Joke 2: (Master) What's big enough to hold a pig and yet small enough to hold in your hand? (Pray) Hmmm I don't know...What? (Master) A PEN!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHLOLOLOLOLHEHEHE! (Pray) HAHAHAHAHALOLOLHEHE SNORT!

ToonCouncil says:

Pray and Master cliff sniffle crumbs, you posted so many great jokes I just picked my favorite!

Crazy Chipper BumberChomp says:

Door: Knock Know Toon: Whos there Door: Kanga Toon: Kanga who Door: No not knagwho kangaroo

coolwinky says:

Another good joke is Door: Hey toon. Toon: What? Door: You look toony

sea green dog says:

my favorite joke is: what do ya call a elephant with ear muffins on? i dont know it cant hear you!

Fangs says:

why did the toon got fired at the M&M factory? The toon threw the away the ''W's'' lol get it?

tuff puppy ( 45 laff points ) says:

my awesome joke in the world is why did the cow cross the road becuase he needs go into the food mart that joke is awesome

Sir Pickles Electrobubble says:

What do you get when you cross swiss chesse and a fish? A Holey Mackerel

comet dyno zapper says:

heres one i made up in a cog battle me: knock knock random toon: whos there? me: cog random toon: cog who? (cog starts to blow up) me: COG GO BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

Zeep says:

This ones long: So a policeman is watching a stretch of highway, and he sees a man driving with a bunch of penguins in his back seat. The police man pulls him over and says, "dude, take those penguins to the zoo!." the man says "ok" and drives off. The next day, the policeman sees the same guy in the same car with the same penguins. the penguins are wearing sunglasses. THe policeman pulls him over and says, "dude! i told you to take those penguins to the zoo!" The man says, "I did! today i'm taking them to the beach!" xD loool

Silly Lily ( 49 laff ) says:

Ooo! I know mine! Knock knock! Whos there?

ToonCouncil says:

The suspense is killing me, Silly Lily!

King Spike Weaselberry says:

What did the Chocolate say to the vegetable? "People don't like you because you taste bad because people don't like you.

Prince Zippenstink IX says:

My favorite joke? (Younger toons may not get this) SHORT CHANGE: I was on vacation but my hotel burned down so now I'm here waiting while my insurance covers everything. BOTTOMFEEDER: I was on vacation but my hotel flooded so now I'm here waiting while insurance covers everything. FLUNKY: I was on vacation but my hotel had a terrible earthquake so now I'm here waiting while insurance covers everything. BOTTOMFEEDER: (impressed) How on earth did you start an earthquake?

Marigold says:

Mine is Knock Knock : who's there? : lettuce : lettuce who? : lettuce in its cold out here!!!

Ugly Snuffy says:

My favorite joke is the one called "I don't know".

spud says:

ok heres a joke i made up. what did the potatoes call the cook in the monastery? what? the frior!

uncle bob's noobish uber says:

have you ever heard the wasnt invented joke? no, how does it go? i dont know it wasnt invented!

Mister Skipper Poppenswirl says:

Hope you like this joke I made up: Joke: My friend is sad because he's not a vacuum cleaner. Punchline: I told him to "Suck it up".

Sweetheart Jr. says: