Toontown What's New Blog

Hydrants on the Go!
Toontown Central has become one big hydrant hoedown! Thanks to all the Silly Surges that you Toons have been creating, all of the fire hydrants on the streets of Toontown Central have come to life! But this is just the beginning, now that we know how far a hydrant can go, what about the rest of the streets? Let's keep at it and see! Jump into this week's issue of "Toon News ... for the Amused!" to keep up with all things silly!
Hydrants are GO! Have you seen Silly Street yet? What do you think is going to happen next?
Posted on May 27, 2010 to:

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good,ol,zipidy says:

finaly! i can show my class mates now about the fire hidrents!

Mirayah says:

WOW, Thats great!! The suspence is killing me.

ugly rockenphew says:

i think most objects on different streets like donald's dreamland's street items might start moving maybe anyway i think the objects moving were a good idea toon council good thinking on that one

Jerry says:

Cool! It's really funny!I like it lol. Thanks .P.S I've never been on comments

Chester says:

Lol, I think there are going to be moving buildings in the future. XD

Rosie says:

hi i love this stuff

JAY says:


merf says:

i havent seen this yet, but i will keep a sharp eye!

queen melody says:

WOW!!!!!!! AWESOME!!! thank u so much for new office!

Joe says:

I hope it spreads to more nieghborhoods.

Peppy says:

Awesome! I saw one fire hydrant moving once! I love the new Silly Meter, and Flippy's new office! I love it all! And I'm SO glad that the CJ has been fixed because he kept running over me, and so did the VP also! Toons Of The World Unite!

Cam says:

Thats cool how the hydrants are alive! I think that more mailboxes will come to life now that the silly surges are coming on more faster! I hope we can make those cogs madder and make toontown sillier! -Cam :D

Sir Salty Flipperflap says:

I still keep up my earlier suggestions of recruiting previously inanimate objects or soon-to-become-animate objects to fight alongside us or play with us. Maybe next things will start TALKING, or maybe things will walk around, or maybe, just maybe, every so often someone will encounter a rogue Cog that's silly instead of boring, and the Cog will fight ON THE SAME TEAM as the Toon! That would be SILLY! And no, I haven't seen Silly Street yet, but I'm going to log on now and look at it! Keep filling the meter, Toons of Toontown! ~ Sir Salty Flipperflap ~

ToonCouncil says:

Wow, you've really thought this out, Sir Salty Flipperflap!

Stay Silly!

Silly Rollie Mcmuffin says:

Wow, Toontown is getting sillier everyday; can't wait till the Silly Meter gets full.

Yellow Rabbit says:

I think that Silly Street is going to burst out in laughter. I mean that all the fire hoses are going to start dancing nonstop and all the buildings will have a smile and dance. Also the streets will do the wave. I would love to see that.

Queen Spunky Wonderseed says:

Wouldn't it be awesome if the whole ground on the street moved because of a silly surge and defeated all the cogs on the street? Also, I have an idea for a new gag track. Maybe you could have a Decoy track where the toon hides for one turn and sends out a robot or plush toy or whatever that looks just like the toon. The toon that sends out the decoy is safe from cog damage for one turn and then the decoy goes away. The decoy could do better stuff as you get a new decoy, like take cog damage for other toons, or attack with a gag.

ToonCouncil says:

That's a Toontastic idea, Queen Spunky Wonderseed!

Stay Silly!

Queen Lily Lemonpop says:

Ha- pretty far, I'd say. Good luck keeping the silly down, cogs. You're gonna need it! We are gonna toon you out of exsistence! Lol good luck fellow toons, and Unite!

princessgingerpedalmuffin says:

what i think is going to happen next is fireworks every ten minutes and gags making cogs go crazy oh! and you can take doodles for a walk in chip and dales only of COURSE :P

Logano says:

Yay! I can't wait until the silly meter gets full and we can see what happens with it! I hope that it will be somthing cool!

Hamster says:

This rocks!!! Hopefully the hydrants will move in other playgrounds!!!

Fluffy Dog says:

This is Toontastic! Now my Question is whats coming Next? for me Something Really Silly! :D

ToonCouncil says:

Good question, Fluffy Dog, good question ...

Stay Silly!

Bella says:

This is soooo cool! Toontown is coming alive! This is about the most awesome thing that happened in toontown! Maybe some moving streets or trees will come alive next!

Princess Rosie says:

we need to beat the cogs. p.s silly street r not full!!! im a cat i say mew.

Alexis says:

haha great job toontown!! keep up the good work. who knows maybe the streetlights in donald's dreamland will start dancing!! What do you think toonotwn? (:

Doctor Alvin Bananabubble says:

WOW WOW WOW!!! They are gonna all come alive and eat the cogs!! yay!! lol. This is really neat. Maybe when it gets to the top it will reaveal a new playground or something. It seems like the perfect time for that. Can u even imagine what they might do?

prof.popcornfizzleklunk says:

those fire hydrants are making this game funnier

Lady Dottie Doggenwoof says:

Hello! It's me, Lady Dottie again. The hydrants are so Cool! They sure do wiggle. :) They are so Cute. I love Toontown. Thanks Guys:)!

Kailey Pricess Sparkle says:

My friends and I named the first hydrant on Silly street that was moving Carl! Now we have to name all the other ones! We have named other moving objects too. But this must be the silliest!

ToonCouncil says:

That's cool, Kailey Pricess Sparkle! Looks like you have your work cut out for you, there's lots of them! ;P

Stay Silly!

Catherine says:


j.c. says:

omg fire hydants r free to dance!! cool

Kitty says:

I saw a hydrant dancing on silly street!

Emma says:

Hey, Emma here. I think you should add a new gag track or playground or something!! The high toons need something new to do! So far I think the silly surges are a good idea because it motivates toons to fight more cogs! Hopefully something really cool will happen at the end! Thanks, Toontown! -Emma

ToonCouncil says:

Thanks for the suggestions, Emma!

Stay Silly!

Nicole says:

Wow! Awesome! I LOVE how Toontown is getting sillier and sillier by the moment. I havent checked but, is the meter rising,? [Because I have been getting sillier EVERRY DAYY! Well, bye until next Post! ~Nicole the Brown Cat~

Dangerous Rose says:


Lightning Bolt says:

there are going to be toons riding in their karts on the street and run over cogs lol THAT would be funny

bananna cream pie says:

dunno but it sounds exciting

Good Ol` Fancy says:

I can`t beileve that there are hydrants coming to life at Toontown Central. I wonder what will happen next. I hope Toons keep up the good work Go Toontown!

Apple says:

Ooh! That's cool! No, I think it's unbelievable. Fire hydrants have came to life?!? They're not even toons for something? I wish the recycling bins move too! :D TOONS OF THE WORLD, SILLY SURGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiddles says:

Yeah, what is coming next, Fluffy Dog? :D Yes, im sure, too. SOMETHING SILLY. TOONS OF THE WORLD UNITE!!!! (totwu) :D LOL

Raven says:

I've got to say, this is getting sillier then belief! Which makes me wonder... what are those clouds in the middle of Donald's Dreamland? Are they the dreams of toons filled with cream pies and storm clouds, or the evil work of the cogs? If the toons have a silly surge machine, then why don't the cogs have a Depressing Destruction machine? It would make for a great toon battle. Taking out the machine and all? Either way, keep making toontown silly and destory to cogs, toons! Raven

Scarz says:

Well i got some good ideas for being silly: there could be invasions everywhere to get it more silly, we could get bigger pouches for fishing because they're not that big , in the catalog there could be silly t-shirts and shorts, there could be trolley tracks or bingo fishing on any day of the week to mix it up, bldgs and inanimate objects could get eyes and mouths, gags could do extra damage. Well those are my ideas respond back please! ~Scarz~

Aaron says:

This is the most awesome thing to ever happen in Toontown! I hope even more things will get animated and OTHER silly things happen!

Lady Rhubarb Lemon Mash says:

I've got good idea's but I don't know if you can do it...In Donald's Dock maybe you could make the boat talk? And Daisy Gardens you could make the flowers get up and walk around! S.I.L.L.I gave me that idea!But i think it mite be hard to do...The Hydrants could be talking to you...Even though Sir Salty Flipper Flap said something like that... The snowman in the Brrrgh! Now i got a plan for that!The snowman Can get up and poof into a toon of snow! Toons Of The World Unite! ;)

Lady Rhubarb Lemon Mash says:

Trash cans too. Daisy Garden's ( sorry if spelled wrong ) Trash cans have woke up and it's fun to watch new toons...and i have a toontask for a easy cog building and new toons...You'll be able to help out ( i hope ).Toons Of The World UNITE!!! ;)

Fisherman says:

Hello! This is awesome! things just can't get any sillier than this! i haven't seen silly street yet but it sounds very wacky! Maybe in donalds dreamland you could make a really loud snoring sound and every time it snores, you could make the ground shake and the buildings wobble and the cog buildings go back to toon ones! please post. Fisherman.

ToonCouncil says:

Now that's a silly idea, Fisherman! Keep them coming!

Stay Silly!

princess bubbles purplemuffin says:

I love the new silly things that are happening those hydrants are so silly and so funny way to go toons

Fat Chunky Snifflestink says:

I havent seen it yet but it seems weird, but Toontastic!!!

Tiny Flower says:

Perhaps Toontown will get so silly that some of the silliness will go towards making a new gag track!

Ol' Paint says:

Now, THAT'S what I'm talking about! It's good to see more toons really getting into the ToonTown Spirit! And I guess that means some of that toon spirit rubbed off on the fire hydrants! Now my only question is; What Silly-Spirited-Surprise is in store for us next?

Prof. Chirpy Octoblabber says:

Now, THIS is definitely a Silly Shocker! I can't wait to see what's coming up next! Now, I'm about to take a Silly Siesta, so before I go.... I just have to say that this is Simply Super! I'm going to make sure to stay toon-ed for any more upcoming Silly Shockers! Stay Silly! ~Prof. Chirpy Octoblabber

Gracie says:

Me and my friend have seen fire hydrants move. What if they could sing. :D

wacky poppen fish says:

wow i like those fire hydrants ther cool!

juju says:

Hmmm it's interesting. Whats next? Trashs will move? Hehe, good suspence, ToonTown.

zooger says:

ive seen the hydrants moving p.s. keep the pie flieing... at the cogs

brody says:

I think when it gets full, it should blow up and we all fly to a whole new map page or at least a new playground and when it blows up all the cogs blow up too from all the silliness. and i like the idea of running over cogs. lol

Princess Candy says:

Wow-wow-wow! Toontown is getting WACKY! I can't wait for the Silly Meter to get full. Im super-duper excited! I saw a garbage can in Daisy Gardens stack piles of garbage. I like the idea! ~Princess Candy.