Toontown What's New Blog

Silly Summer Parties with Toon Troopers!

Toon Troopers celebrate the silliness of summer by hosting Silly Summer Parties for Toons
this weekend!

Toon Trooper Summer Parties

This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday join in on all the wacky fun by visiting a Party Gate, and looking up a public Toon Trooper Party at these times:

  • Friday, July 27:  11am - 12pm (PST)
  • Saturday, July 28:  3pm - 4pm (PST)
  • Sunday, July 29:  3pm - 4pm (PST)

Look for public Parties hosted by Toon Troopers Tabitha, Taffy, Terry, Tycho, Tiberius, Tor, Tiffany, Tatum, Toby... and of course, Teo!

Party Gate

Play all your favorite Party games, enjoy the wacky decorations - and since your Toontastic hosts are the Toon Troopers, expect jumbles of free jellybeans!

Get those beans, and host a Toontastic summer Party of your your own.
Toons of the World, prepare to Party!

Posted on July 26, 2012 to:

This thread is now closed for comments.

Sir J.C. says:

I can't wait to see the Toon Troopers again its going to be a blast I should make a party. I can't wait I'll hope to see ya there! :D TOONS UNITE!!! TOONS PARTY ON AND ROCK AND ROLL!!!!!!

Little Popcorn says:

I love going to parties! Cog of war is my favorite game! Hopefully I will be able to see a Toon Trooper this weekend! :)

Omar says:


Princess Kippy says:

I love toon partys toon troopers get ready to see me I love to jump and see pretty fireworks. Love u toontown!!!

Fangs says:

WOOO!! I cannot wait :)

Lucky Ducky says:

I can't wait to join the fun! I'll be looking for the parties throughout the whole weekend!

Kitty says:

Yay more jellybeans!

Flappy (70 laff) says:

Cool toon troopers are back! I hope toon trooper terry is there! Also I can't wait to go to one of those AWESOME parties! Toons of the world PARTY!

King fireball says:

Toon troopers and parties equals AWESOME!

Cool Rosie Lemonbubble says:

Awesome!! I can't wait for it to start! Enjoy the parties and beans, folks :D!! Toons of the World, Unite!

Doctor Huddle Dinglerberry ( 53 laff ) says:

i bet all the toons are gonna love this party with the toon troopers! Thank you very much for it toon troopers happy summer!

Pasta says:

I just can't wait to get my party on! I hope I get lots Of jellybeans so i can get new stuff in the cattalog! Thanks Toon Troopers!

goldie says:

i love partys get the party started

Baron Z.Z. says:

This is awesome! Thanks to all the toon Troopers. I hope I get to go to Teo's party!! :D Toons of the world unite!!!!!!!!!!!

master jake says:


king beaniejinks says:

yay the troopers are back this means that toons will be getting another chance to get jellybeans i need to find some room in my bank thank you TOON TROOPERS thank you so much!

Sunset Kitten says:

Cool! I cant wait to find a Toon Trooper party!

Dafadil Wackybocker ( 81 laff ) says:

Cool! i cant wait to play fun party games and see my favroite toon tropers! Toons of the world unite!

Petunia Sparkledoodle ( 77 laff ) says:

I'm so gonna be there.... :D

Chip says:

This will be the most Toontastic thing ever!

Baron Ned Frecklemouth says:

Sweet! I love the trooper parties! I'm getting TONS of jellybeans

Fireball says:

Huh? Toon Troopers? Yay! I can't wait! They are my favorite toons!

Epic Ducky says:


JabberCrash says:

Thats TOONTASTIC i cant wait to see the toon troop Troopers! Ive never seen them before!

Fiji says:

Wowzers!!!! That is Amazing! Thanks for sending your troopers flippy!

Red says:

Cant wait thanks toontown for making this game we love you! thanks again!

King Cliff SniffleNoodle (112 laff) says:

Sounds awesome! I'm gonna host awesome parties till its over!

boo boo googletoes (107 laff) says:

sweet cant wait :D i love jelly beans!! :D

Isabella says:

YAY !!!! I'm SOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!! I saw Tor and Terry yesterday! And Tor gave me jellybeans! Toon Troopers are so nice! Thanks Toon Troopers!!!! (:

Fire Wild Cat says:

Yay! Im so glad that im going to see Toon Tropers and have a wacky, fun time.Also im very happy because at the parties im going to meet new friends!

Wabbit says:

I went to TOON TROOPER Tor and Terry's parties it was fun! :D

King Zilly says:

Yay i'm happy now it's just like double jellybeans!

Lemon Pop says:

OH YAY!! I can't wait for all the fun parties hosted by toon troopers! It's going to be so much fun! THANKS SO MUCH TOONTOWN!

Oscar Zooblepop (106 laff) says:

I already went to one! Their really fun it got me thinking about making a party of my own :). PARTY ON TOONS!

Beary Good (21 laff) says:

Awesome! I hope I get into one of their parties! :)

sparklemuffin says:


Twinklemarble says:

Awesome! I love dancing on dance floors to music from the Jukeboxes! I also love trampolines and cannons. They're really fun, and I'm looking forward to this! Toons of the world UNITE!

Max says:

I'm excited to see the toon troopers again! Toons of the World, Unite!

Baby Hiccups says:

Cool! This Will Be My First Time Seeing Toon Troopers!

Lily says:

I just went to toon trooper tatum's party IT WAS SO AWESOME she was so nice and gave me MAXED jellybeans :D!!!!!!!!!!! best day ever!!!!!

captain crazy bagelwoof says:

toon troopers yay i havent seen troopers in a long time :)

miss catherine says:

wow cool

Clover says:

This is so cool! I'm not a member, so I can't host any parties, but cog-of-war is my favorite game! See ya at the party!

Snowflake says:

I can't wait for the parties! I will be at every single one! Thanks Toon Troopers! BRING ON THE JELLIES!

Professor Pickles Peppercorn says:

Yay! Toon Troopers and Flippy, you are the greatest! It is always awesome when you help out the rest of the toons.

Vivi says:

I can't wait to see them again!

squishy says:

it will be very fun im ready

Jake ruffleboom says:

Cant wait to see the Toon Troopers!This is going to be great!!!!!!!!

Shadow Cat says:

More Jellybeans = more shopping :) cant wait!

Cool Popcorn Dizzy Marble says:

Oh this is gonna be great, i hope i can join if its not full.

Toonz (59 laffer ) says:

This is great!!! The toon troopers are back !!! Although i was expecting something about the cogs but this is as fun as that!! Get partying everybody!! Toons of the world PARTY!!!

Ginger says:

I've never seen a Toon Trooper but I bet their cool!

Queen Trixie says:

Hooray! I Cant wait for the parties! Now I can finally meet a Toon Trooper! TOONS OF THE WORLD UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!

Mikaela says:

Yay!!! I can't wait to get stocked on lots of fun jellybeans!

Domino (103) says:

Ok 3:00 pm- 4:00 pm today got it see ya there toons! stay toony.

Mr. McMan (45 laff) says:

Toons of the world, let's PARTY!

mastermac crumble monkey says:

it is really hard to get into those parties but they are really fun WHOO GO TOONTROOPERS YOU ROCK!!!!

Bluestar (86 laff) says:

I wish I was a toon trooper.... Then I could make toons jump for joy when I came to their parties! And I'd crash cog parties.... MWAHAHA!!!!

Bluestar (86 laff) says:

Toontown's loading right now..... I'm gonna go straight for a giant party hat thing!

Loony Lemontoon says:

Im gonna say thanks to teo for the jellybeans at jellybean week.

Queen Melody ( 92. laff ) says:

The Toon Troopers are really great! I wish they could be with us in all the events!

Kittycat says:

I hope i get to see the troopers before the party is full :P

Firewave says:

Yesterday I went to two parties and Toon Troopers were in both of them! Toon Trooper Terry was very nice and did all of the unites. Toon Trooper Tiberius was too, he even showed us how to do a dance move called "The Shuffle Hop". It was awesome! I bought some cool accesories and clothes for my other toon. I'm totally going to more parties! I love Toontown!

Raven ( 45 laff ) says:

I JUST saw Terry! :)

Roxy says:

I love troopers they are so fun and stuff thanks so much for everything! Yall rock!!!!

chris says:

WOOT WOOT!!!! Hey Toontown! I can't wait for these parties and also the jellybean unites!

mileny says:

im so happy that they are coming to toontown. i was at a toontown party and it was a TOON TROOPERS PARTY. ( name ) TOON TROOPER TOR. HE GAVE ME LOT OF BEANS. he gave us SO MUCH THAT MY BANK IS FULL. BUT IM NOT A MEMBER TO HOST A PARTY. but when i am i will throw a huge party. thank you toon troopers tor u rock and so do the others see u soon.:D

Rainbow twinklefish says:

ty for the best party ever!!! love toby :)

Bad Luck says:

I can't wait until tomorrow because i now know what time these parties start and now i'm excited :D and with all the jelly beans i might get if i'm at that party, im gonna buy accessories and other stuff! :D

Cute nice owl says:

Yay! I cant wait! I hope I can see my favorite one of them all Toon trooper Teo!!!!

Mr. Black says:

I already Got a Max Bank on All Toons Every day.... :o.

Christmas Snow says:

Yay!!!!!! I cant BELIEVE i got to go to Tor AND Tycho's Parties! They ROCK!!!

Captain Chip Bananaslam says:

I got to attend the first party. It was so much fun and i got a full bank. :D I can't wait to go to the next one. I always wanted to meet a toon trooper and I finally got too! Thank you guys for doing this and making my toontown experience even more fun. Hope to see you guys there!

Pinky says:

i went to one of those parties it was so amazing. i wanted the trooper to add me but he couldn't i was bummed but it was an amazing party!

Wisp says:

Thank you very much for the beans Toon Trooper Tabitha. And thank you Toontown for doing this!

Duke Furball Fumblemash (81 Laff) says:

IM GOING TO BE RICH! I cant wait!

Lady Ginger Kooky Doodle (104 laff) says:

Thanks for the heads up Toon Council! Toons of the World, prepare to party! :D

Proffesor SilllyPants (70 laff) says:

Yay!! i can't wait i will host partys while they dont come =)

Twiddleflip ( 79 laffer ) says:

the first time i played toontown i thought they were a myth, but i was wrong peace

Cool MoMo MacSpeed says:

FUN! Toontown just keeps getting better and better! Thank you toontown for all that you've done! <3

Midnight Spirit says:

Im SOOOO phsyched for this!!! I'm putting on my party gear right now!!! I hope there's some room for me...

Cool Jake Thunderfoot says:

I love the Toon Troopers! They are soooo nice :D

Miss Furball(58laff) says:

Ive seen taffy and tiberius and now im trying for tiffany

pearl (111) says:

yay i love these!!!!!!!!! cant wait thanks toontown!

roxy rockentoon says:

guess what? I went to toon trooper toby's party! it was awesome!

Indigofur says:

Yay! This is going to be EPIC :P

Peaches ( 30 Laff Pink Cat ) says:

I was at taffy's party, she was so nice and kind! Plus I got in Tor's Party And He Rocked It! So thank you toontown and troopers!

Isabella says:

THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!! I went to Teo And Tatum's parties!!! Then when I came out, Toby was giving out jellybeans at the playground! I HAD A TOONTASTIC TIME!

Blue says:

WHOA i am FULL of beans 2456432 beans!

Blueberry says:


Silly Ricky[69 laff] says:

I haven't played Toon town for a while.looks like it's fun as usual.i can't wait to see the Toon troopers again!

AlexiaAwesome113 says:

i love toon troopers they gave me overr 10 thousand jbs. i love toon town!

Bloomina says:

WOW!!! i love toontown! IT's the BEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

Paws says:


Tyler says:

Darn it. I missed it D:. I love toontown :D

Baron Pickles says:

I am adding things to my estate and these extra jellybeans will help me out so much thank you troopers!!!!