Toontown What's New Blog

Classic Accessories Make A Comeback

Many, many Toons keep asking if any accessories will come around again in the Cattlelog. Leave it to Clarabelle to satisfy your dizzy shopping demands, Toons!
classic accessories

Look for these classic favorites to start popping up in your Cattlelogs now: 
zany goodies like the pirate hat, sombrero, nerd glasses, aviators, 3-D movie glasses, cowboy hat, mini-blind sunglasses, golf hat, party hat, shark fin, dragonfly wings, jet pack, cowboy boots, wingtips, black & white hi tops --WHEW-- and lots more!

Whether you’re a new Toon on the scene, or you just missed these Toontastic items the first time around, now’s your chance to grab up these classic accessories!

If you are a new Toon, make sure you buy a trunk first before buying your accessories. It takes a day for your trunk to ship, then start shopping for those accessories. Clarabelle will send the accessories you purchase right to your mailbox in an hour.

TOON TIP: If you buy accessories before you receive your trunk, leave your first accessories in your mailbox until you get your trunk inside your Toon house. After all, you have to be able to stash those accessories somewhere! 

Become a Member Toon
to wear and enjoy accessories
and all Toontastic Cattlelog items!


Posted on July 03, 2012 to:

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Duke Spiffy says:

The more accessories the better! :)

Binky MacCorn (80 laff) says:

ACCESSORIES!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! I need to save up some jellybeans :P

fat coconut crunchy buble says:

WOW the classic accessories have came back? so cool! now i can buy the things i wanted to buy!

Loony Lemontoon says:

This is a great idea!

Fresh Beats says:

Whoo-Hoo!! Now we can Distract the cogs with our Bright colors! :)

Judai (17 Laff) says:

I have been waiting for these Accessories to come back! I bought some Red Athletic Shoes, a Green Baseball Cap and a pair of Black Sneakers! I will also buy the Yellow Star Glasses, a pair of Aviator glasses, some White Mini Blinds, a Cowboy Hat, and Cowboy Boots to go with it! I love having these Accessories back! I hope you Toons do too!

Gracey says:

Toontastic! i love the Sombrero, that ones my most favorite!

Droopy(55 laff) says:

Hehe. I just ordered myself a new orange backpack and those epic nerd glasses. Too bad the cogs cant wear these toontastic accessories.

William says:

Sweet I didn't get a chance to buy all of them anyway! I guess now is my chance! :)

Beary Good (21 laff) says:

Awesome, now I can finally get the first accessories!

spooky says:

ive bought alot of acsseries, but ive missed alot soo thanks

Short Mouse says:

i missed the old ones. they are pretty cool! now that i have more jellybeans, i can buy more awesome accessories! thanks carabelle!

Midnite Kat says:

Super duper epic! This is great!

sparklemuffin says:

FINALLY!! i never got to buy even one of these toontastic things! NOW I CAN! :) WOOT WOOT!! lol. THANKS LOTS TOON COUNCIL!

Mister Fluffy Dynoteeth says:

Awesome! missed the cowboy the first time around and can;t wait for its return so i can get it! :D

Lily ( 66 laff ) says:

Cool! I only became a member the day after Christmas, and some of the accessories that I saw my friends wearing were really cute, but they were from past catalogs. I have lots of jellybeans left over from jellybean week, and I can't wait to buy new ( old ) accessories!

Hector (111 Laff Blue Cat) says:

AWESOME! I can now get the things i want that i couldn't offord before! Now, i am rich!

Chocolate Milk says:

Yay! I bought some Nerd Glasses and Black Sneakers yesterday! They go really well with my outfits. :)

peaches says:

oh yay i just joined so i wanted those accessories so bad!!

King Corky Zippendoodle (122 laff) says:

I can't believe this! I can actually get the accessories I wanted again! Thank you SOOOO much Toontown! :)

Cool cuddles fizzleberry says:

yeah this is awesome! XD but one thing that will be good if there were such thing as in a bigger trunk thats what i say lol so we can get more accessories

Alvin says:

Awesome! I love my clothing! :D

Little Spotty says:

I really love all these accessories! It's a bit overwhelming- I really wish I could buy ALL of them but I don't have enough beans! Perhaps Clarabelle will be feeling a little generous for the 4th of July and sell these accessories half-off? (winkwink)

Wisp says:

I'm so happy that I get to buy the white hi-tops that i missed last time. Now im battling those no-good Cogs in style! :D

Little Domino says:

I've been waiting forever to to buy these accessories!!!

Isabella says:

These accessories were my favorite! And I was actually going to ask if you could bring them back Carabelle! Haha! But no need for that! Thanks! :)

Ruby says:

Great! Now I can get my sneakers and mini-blind sunglasses! :)

Cookies and Milk says:

Awesome! Now I can get the shoes that I wanted. :)

Dizzy says:

Sweet. I can fill my collection of accessories :D

Sill Candyhulatoon says:

YES! i can finally buy them after i missed out on to buy them! thank you!!! :3

Max the Red Mouse -96 Laff- says:

Yay! I have only had membership for a month since I just rejoined toontown and I wanted these accessories so bad :)

Hazardous Lizard ( 23 laff ) says:

Woo-Hoo! Just in time for my new toon, too.

Master Pancake Dizzydoddle says:

There back!!!! i cant belive it i think... Flippy you should put on accessories i also thing if you put accessories on a cog itll get mad and blow up! using accessories as a gag!!!

Jenny(82 laff) says:

Thank you :)!!!I was one of the many toons for bringing them back :P,I just love,love,LOVE them!Thank you Clarabelle!:)!! Have a toontastic day!

Sheriff Roxy GiggleMarble says:

These accessiors are SO cool! XD I can't wait to get my hands on them! :)

Holiday says:

aww yea the sombero has returned :D

Ducko says:

Thanks clarabelle I love them

Bliss says:

Oh yeah! The old accesories are back? Man, I better get jellybeans, so I can get them! I didn't think they would show! Thank you toontown! :D

Princess Kippy says:

The cuter ones are the best I <3 clothes

Mia says:

More accesories Thank you Clarabelle I am going to buy them for my friends!

Darkshadow says:


Toonie says:

Cool it's always nice to see the older accessories!

Twilightheart says:

Great! I returned to playing ToonTown after these accesories were gone. I have a chance to get these now.

Rosie says:

This is so exciting! I saw people wear the mini-blind sunglasses before, and I was dying for them! Thanks so much Clarabelle!

Melody says:

Sweet! I can get some that i did not get before!

Rocco (106 Laffer) says:

Awesome!!! Now I Can Buy Old Accessories That I Forgot To Get!! U Guys Rly Know How To Keep Toons Happy!! Thx Toontown! and thank you, Clarabelle!

honey says:

cool can't wait to get them

Crazy Fireball Wondermarble says:

Woohoo my favorite accesories :), now i can buy it again and send to my other toons.

Queen Melody Wildquack says:

Wow i remember these i bought one of the first bows! When i find 3-D glasses in my cattelog ill be sure to buy them!

crunchyscooter says:

Its like the accessories have birthdays! But if they do.. Happy birthday!

John says:

Yes, I have always wanted a jet pack ... and a pirate hat ... well and a shark fin. Oh who am I kidding. I want all of them. lol

Silly Boo Boo Sourswirl says:

I think it is a good idea. All the new toons will love them! Good Idea Flippy and the Toon Council!

Twinkledoodle says:

Wow! When accesories first came around I didn't have enough money for many of them. Thanks Clarabelle! You rock!

Natalie (101 laff, green dog) says:

Finally! I've been waiting for the jet pack to come back again!!

Doctor Wackysplat says:

Thank you so much for this!!! Toons Of The World Unite!

Bagelmuffin says:

Yay! I've been wanting some white hi tops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mia says:

Yay back to the classic!

Dynamite Megaspeed says:

I love these new accessories :)! I like gifting my friends these please keep the awesome accessories coming! Accessories make toons look toontastic!

Flipster says:

Awesome, I've been waiting for those to be back! :D

Super Chester says:

Yay! I love these hats! I have wanted to buy them or gift them for a while, and now I can! Toons of the world, Unite! :D

Big B.D. Bean Bee says:

Toon Town is getting better every day!

Miss Rosie Pedalbee says:

Great! Now I can finally get the accessories I missed when I became a member :)

Princess Fireball says:

Yay! I missed the old ones, I'm glad their back. :)

Bear says:

I better start getting some more jellybeans so i can buy the toontastic accessories

Pickles (113 laffer) says:

Oh my goodness! Me and my friends are so happy! Ive had like 4 more toons since the first accessories came out and I really wanted them to have them awesome Black Hi-Tops and mini-blinds :D! Now they can!! :D! Yay!

blueman says:

i was really trying to get the jetpack thanks clarabelle

The mighty blue says:

Yay! Always wanted toontown to make a comeback on the nerd glasses (even tho I'm not a nerd XD) again you made my day.

Sunny says:

SWEET! I can't wait to wear these TOONTASTIC accessories! :)

Mia ( 61 laff ) says:

The more accessories the better!

Cool Pepperpop says:

Amazing accessories! I love these accessories, they are toon-tastic!

Grapes( 69 Laffer ) says:

Yay! I accidently deleted my dragonfly wings and now I got them back!

King Zilly says:

I hope I can buy some of thoses accessories if I get enough jellybeans.

Cute Nice Owl says:

I am so happy those things turned back. I cant decide what to buy! All of them made a good return! My frist one was the princess hat! Toons cheer and dance! Toontown needs to beat those cogs!!!!!!!!! Toontown cannot be beat :)

super magagadet says:

cant beat the classics

Tall And Useful (128 laff) says:

Whew! I thought my chance to get the aviators were gone, not anymore! Thanks toontown!

Ugly Zippy Freckleblabber says:

Finally Clarabelle! I wanted a few of those older sunglasses. ^_^ Thanks for the awesome accessories!

Manager says:

Cool! I was getting a little burned out with the Jamboree pack. Now I can buy MORE accessories!!!

Cutie Pututie says:

Oh, WOW! Great all the toontastic items I missed are avaible! I don't have the catelog yet so I need a lot of jellybeans I'm sure of it!

Copycat 38 Laff Duck says:

Thanks For Bringing these accessories back flippy! These are very toon-tastic, and I remember them from last year. Hope the fun keeps on going and, also hope you release More Accessories! :D

Ashleigh says:

Thanks for bringing those accessories back! I'm sure everyone wants to own a classic!

Fun Sized says:

This will be awesome! i cant wait to get the nerd glasses!!

bellasparkle says:

oh yeah!all the accessories all coming back i missed the old accessories and now they came back! yes thank you toontown and flippy

Lollipop Jeeperwhatsit says:

I love 3-D glasses, so I'll be sure to grab them! :D

angelina says:

woohoo! always love a classic look.

Flame says:

I am not shark without my fin! Thank you for bringing these back!

Pickles Fiddlesticks says:

I am so excited! I have black sneakers and nerd glasses and I am ready to go! I am saving up for a party hat so when I go to parties I can wear it! I love ToonTown SOOOOOOOOOO much! I wish Toontown would make T-Shirts, posters and other merchandise! Thanks!

Marigold Huckletwist says:

THANK YOU! I loved those accessories and i'm really glad that they r back so I can buy some for my newer toons!

Super huddles zippenspeed (109 laff) says:

awesome i love the accessories! need jbs lol :P

Tricky -118 laff- says:

awesome! when these items first came out, i had barely any jellybeans. now i do and i could afford it!

Sparky Buddy says:

Wow this is great, I have been waiting for so long for it to come back and it did! Toons of the world, unite!

Miranda says:

Thanks, Clarabelle! I cannot wait to get membership so I can buy all of these accessories. I've been fishing for quite awhile, in fact-- I nearly fished a whole bank worth! Keep up with the GREAT work, Toontown!

Little Star (75 Laff) Peach Cat says:

Woohoo! Finally get to have all the awesome accessories my 1st toon has! Thanks a million! =D

crazy mo mo funnynoodle says:

Im so excited! Ive been playing trolley games and fishing nonstop so I can get stuff. I already bought the nerd glasses. I LOVE them and now I feel so cool!

Rin Mirror Sound ( 49 laff ) says:

Any accessories I didn't get before I can get now! WOOT WOOT!

Silly Sally says:

These accessories are awesome

Sparkle says:

I hope I didn't spend all of my jellybeans on gags!

Seargant says:

I think it's "Toontastic!" is what us colorful, funny Toons would say. We always need to looky funny! Because we ARE funny. Are YOU Toon enough?

Megan (84 Laff) says:

I'm so happy, I got a bunch of things I wasn't able to get when it was first there. Thanks a ton, I'm so happy! My toon looks so awesome with the new/old accessories XD

Rhinocrump says:

Oh yay! Nerd glasses!

Space Face says:

Better than ever! These accessories are a big success!!!

electro says:

THIS IS AWESOME!!! I took a break from Toontown in the summer, so I didn't get any of those accessories up until November! Now I can buy them! :D Thanks Toontown!

captain fleabag bannana zilla says:

loving the classics :o). im glad they have come back because i had a spell when i wasn't on toontown and that was when they first introduced them, so i jusst missed them.

Rhubarb Fuzzyberry says:

Oh yea I got my catalog today and I went on a huge spree...... Namely 13,000 or 14,000 beans worth of accessories :D I look great in my cowboy outfit.... with a jetpack..... and alien eyes lol

Frenchy says:

Yay! I'm making a new toon, a mouse, and I wanted her to have the white high-tops and the pink bow, but I thought they were gone for good! I guess not!

Kitcat says:

Finally, my toon can get more of those fantastic accessories! I can't wait to get enough jellybeans to buy them!

Ginger says:

I'm gonna shop all day long (Until I run out of jellybeans!)

Queen Ginger Sparkleswirl says:

In my opinion, I'm the prettiest kitty around with those nerd glasses! I think I'll buy them for ALL my toons :D

Soniic (21 Laff) says:

Yay! I'm glad they came back! Now I have a second chance to buy them again! Here's what I bought: Cowboy Boots, Golf Hat, Cowboy Hat, Movie Glasses, Shark Fin, Party Hat, Yellow Star Glasses, Wingtip Shoes, and Red Athletic Shoes! I had to spend 7,441 jellybeans! That's alot! Now I have a few hundred jellybeans left to buy gags with, but I will fish some more for more jellybeans! Thanks for bringing these old, but toontastic Accessories back for Toons to have a second chance to buy them!