Toontown What's New Blog

Toon Resistance Special Report

On a recent mission deep in Cog territory, Resistance Ranger Rupert snapped this picture of several Cogs plotting together in some type of machine code:

conspiring Cogs in code 

Those look like Downsizers and a Big Wig… we just can’t figure out why a Lawbot would be mingling (without even a Mingler in sight) with Bossbots so low on the corporate ladder.  

Toon Resistance code-crackers are working hard to decipher exactly what was said.
See the decoded Cog messages in the brand new issue of “Toon News… For the Amused” - out today!

Posted on June 22, 2012 to:

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Squiggledoodle says:

The Big Wig might be planning to unite the Lawbots and the Bossbots to gain even more power over the toons or maybe it's a casual chat between Cogs. Either way good job Resistance Ranger Rupert!

Jenna says:

If the Big Wig is saying 'Jellybean', and the other is saying 'fun', then I bet plotting to take away what we love most!

ToonCouncil says:

Leave it to those cranky Cogs to not even have the words for "jellybean" or "fun" in their machine language!

Popcorn Cheezypoof (yellow bunny 16 laff ) says:

So checking this out in the Toon news for the amused!

Snow Cone says:

The Cogs wont get away with this! We'll try our hardest to stop them, flippy! Toons of the world, UNITE

Olivia says:

Uh oh! This doesn't look very silly. I'm glad I am done working on my bossbot suit, because now I can gag up and train for whatever those boring ol' cogs are working on! Thank you Resistance Ranger Rupert, and Lord Lowden Clear for awaring us of this terrible news! Us toons will be spot on to bust every cog we see!

Epicdude says:

I wonder whats those cogs are up to.

Mister jacques funnytoes says:

(Gasp) o no. I hope cogs aren't throwing cog-no-fun parties!

Snow Kitten says:

That doesn't sound good...

Gabriel (64 laff) says:

I might be able to decipher the writing... Translation: Big Wig: We must rid Toontown of jellybeans to not let them defeat us. How shall we do it? First Downsizer: How about breaking the jellybean supply in secret? Second Downsizer: I know: Lets defeat the Keeper of the Jellybeans in each of the playgrounds.

ToonCouncil says:

Hmm, not a bad guess, Gabriel. Certainly sounds Cog-like. You can see what they actually said in the new "Toon News... For the Amused!" out today - and see if you were right!

Cool Stripy says:

I read the decoded message, this sounds bad D:

Little Spotty says:

This can't be any good! Is that a jellybean bank off to the left?

ToonCouncil says:

Looks like maybe a water cooler, Little Spotty, from one of their stuffy Cog offices no doubt...

Fireballkit says:

I'd bet'cha anything that they're planning another attack. Or maybe they're just complaining because we're awesome and they're not! :P

Prof. Max Gigglesnout says:

This is by far the most possibly scary thing that has happened in Toontown since the Field Office. We must now try to develop some sort of strategy. WE ARE IN POSSIBLE DANGER!

Rowanclaw says:

That code sounds awful fishy to me. I think their planning something big!

Princess Sandy Pinkerflapper says:

My brother thinks that the cogs are going to steal all of our jellybeans - yikes!

Valentine says:

Hmm... This Looks Weird! I Wonder What Their Up To! I Guess We Might Find Out In The Next "Toon News.... For the Amused'! Good look finding out whats happening! ~ Valentine

Grapes [63 laff] says:

This calls for some gags and our game face! Bring whatever you got, Cogs!

Cream Cheese says:

After that jellybean week, I think i have enough jellybeans to buy every gag there is and catalog item that will help me and my friends defeat those mean, cold-hearted Cogs! TOONS OF THE WORLD, UNITE!!

Ashleigh says:

This is never good- we all need to work together more now that a secret Cog Conspiracy is brewing!

Cranky Peppersocks says:

They Are Mingling?! XD funny! especially with no mingler is even more funnier.

Bright Red Cat says:

I have a feeling the cogs are planning an ambush on ToonTown... I think we should start getting ready! Toons Of The World, Unite! - Bright Red Cat

Duncan (115 laff) says:

Thanks Little Spotty i bet that's where they keep all the bean that they are going to steel from us!!! This could get SERIOUS!!!

Braden says:

Oh my! I think this is VERY serious! Maybe they will keep our fun stuff in their HQ's and Building's! If they do, then they are worse then I thought! We must stop them from ALL actions!

bumble bee (laff 64) says:

were going to have to send some of the toughest toons and the others can join in on the fun :) like for example to tough toons and the others hope we can find out more

lynn - bear - says:

i read the Toon News i am stocking up on gags and i am working on toontasks to get stronger I AM READY!!! TOONS OF TH WORLD UNITE!

Storm Heart says:

They are making a cog-o-meter to counter our silly meter! it needs to come back into bussiness!

Candy (black cat) says:

whatever it is im sure us toons can stop them :D good luck toons of world :D

umbreon says:

if a big wig is working with a group of downsizers, only possibility is that it has something to do with shrinking... US... maybe... could be shrinking everything, even parties and doodles...

Sweet Heart says:

Wow! I wander what's up with these cogs. Guess I'll find up in "Toon News... For the Amused"

dizzytoon says:

on the news it shows the whole conversation of the cogs so that may lead to more clues

Waldo says:

First why would a lawbot be with a bossbot? I think that they are trying to get rid of our jellybeans so we wont have gags. Then the cogs will try to take over toontown and get rid of our fun! So toons, gag up and defeat some cogs!

Car Toon says:

Maybe double Lawbot and Bossbot invasions, double buildings, or Lawbot and Bossbot Field offices? Whatever their planning to do - get those gags ready! They are probably planning something that we need to be well prepared for!

Coolio says:

Check out the Toon News for the Amused in Toontown!!! On there is the real message! Get those gags ready for fighting

Lucky says:

uh oh when they said (jelly bean) and (fun) they might take away my 12000 jbs!

Dizzy says:

I wounder what those pesky cogs are up to :P

yellowtoad says:

i was worried too boss bots with a law bot this is interesting :D

Mumble says:

Hmmm... I don't like this, not one bit. They won't get away with whatever they're planning!

Minecat Diamond says:

Well. Jellybeans are Toon's money. Fun is what Toons like. These are two of the Toon's favorite things. So, it only makes sense that they want to take these things away. Anyway, they are Cogs. They may be delivering a message!

Hearted Marshmallow says:

I bet they're trying to take over Toontown! Not good!

Pepper ( 130 laff) says:

This is serious!! Toontown could be in danger!!! They are planning to take away our fun and gags!!!!!! OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fangs says:

That's crazy!why do cogs beep so much? my doodle April and me are talking about it.Right April RUFF Ok bye

Starlight says:

Well done Toon Resistance code-crackers! Now that we know what them evil cogs are saying to trying and ruin Toontown's fun once again, I know that all the Toons can work together to beat them all! Toons of the world unite!

Purplepounce says:

*Gasp* ! I think that cogs will probably try to actually invade the playground or even the Bank! COGS EVERYWHERE!!!

The Powerful Donkey says:

Well, i think this might be two good reasons, jellybean week is over because the cogs stole all the JBS, and there trying to figure out what their gonna do with them.

kyle says:

hmm maybe they are gonna make a plan to bind all the cogs together

Slippy Snorkeltwist (92 Laff, Tightwad and Name Dropper) says:

This cant be good! This must be something good if Big Wigs are consulting with Downsizers!

Good ol' Lloyd Biggenseed says:

I dont know what is goin on, but toon friends do not fear, I am a ninja mouse. I will rid us of these cogs with my ninja skills.

Cheezeybocker 109 laff says:

I bet they're planning to take samples of our jellybeans and create some kind of evil cog jellybean that turns us into cog slaves!!!

Miss Rainbow Bumpenflipper says:

You guys know cogs. They are always up to no good. But the Code - Crackers are going to decode the message.

Big ned says:

Uh oh... Maybe their talking about US!! Maybe we should do something about it!!!!

Supernova says:

I hope they do not bombard us with high level cog invasions!

Cheese Quackers says:

Cant wait to see what their planning!

Daddyeo says:

OK toons! time to buy some pies, safes, and level seven gags! This ain't good! I read the decoded message.It sounds like there doing something in secret. Stock up on gags and UNITE!!

Spotty Fiddleflip says:

Hopefully they're not working together to reveal a huge secret pertaining to where all cogs come from...

penny says:

their sayin something about jellybeans?

The mighty blue says:

Whoa....creeeepppyyyy. I can't wait to see what the cogs have planed so i can BUST it again!

master ruffle snooker says:

I think that maybe gabriel might be right.Maybe one of the cogs are gonna look like a toon and secretly steal the jellybeans and find out about their plans.

Wacky Snorkelwoof says:

O no! This is big! Stock up on as many gags as u can so if they steal our jbs, well still have defence.

Got Paws says:

We are toons, cog-busting toons!

Flamedkit says:

Cogs, Jellybeans, and Fun. Well maybe they either started liking those objects or what is in Toon News!

Jordan says:

Well, whatever the cogs are up to, I bet it means taking over Toontown by secretly locking down all the trolleys and gag shops in the Toon world. We have to stop them before they stop us.

Bagelmuffin says:

The cogs are teaming up in hopes of destroying us toons and our fun forever!

Mikey says:

Cogs are mean. and they didn't know the word fun and they didn't know jellybean because they are not toon!

Leo says:

I may benew but now we must defend the toontown becouse surely theire planing an attack

Lily Sparkleswirl says:

i bet those cogs are trying to take away our fun and our jellybeans

Queen Trixie says:

Hmm.. The cogs have not planned anything for a very long time I don't like the sound of this! I think I'm gonna hide my jellybean bank when I get on toontown TOONS OF THE WORLD UNITE!

FireBall says:


mclain says:

if only cogs invaded the playground that would be boss

big scooter poppenerd says:

i hate those cogs! there plots are bad, we fight them!

Penny says:

I think they are going to "boss" us around and make us do what they say by taking away our fun and jellybeans to where we have to do it to get our stuff back! I think they might enjoy this.......I hope they dont see this!!!!

Xavier says:

I think cogs r going to have tons of invasions so we have to spend our jellybeans on gags

Raspburry says:

uh oh.. another callenge.. we will always win though, why do cogs even try? I'm ready for our next adventure!!!!

Flapjack Mizzenzaner (110 Laff Purple Horse) says:

I will get them with my quicksand if they try to steal my jellybeans. They are my jellybeans! (:

Chocolate Milk says:

Uh oh... this could mean something bad! But whatever it is, us TOONS can stop it! The cog's boring old tricks are no match for our fun-spirited personalities and gags. We can stop them! P.S. What do the cogs have against us?

McDoodle says:

I'm wondering if this could mean Downsizer invasions...

max twiddle jhinks says:

I think the bossbots and the lawbots are making some type of sercet team for a plot agenst the toons. No matter how hard they try the toons will still defeet them! Toons of the world unite!

Princess (Pink Cat 32 Laffer) says:

Oh My Jellybeans! Who Knows What The Cogs Could Be Up To! It's Probably No Good! Besides..... I Need To Deafeat Some Downsizers. I'll Throw Some Good Birthday Cakes! Stay Tooned! :)

Lily says:

What ever their saying those evil cogs are no match for us toons! Toons of the world unite!

Mr. giggles Bear says:

Weird... I suspect from the "-bzzztt- jellybean" bit that it has something to with jellybeans and the jellybean week party... looks like we'll find out in the toontown news.

Prof. Coconut Dynozap says:

I bet these cogs are saying to make more invasions with lawbots and bossbots to take over toontown! We wouldn't want that, right Flippy?

Midnight says:

This is one odd thing! I'm sure us toons can figure out soon what the Cogs are up to! Have a TOONTASTIC DAY TOONS! - Midnight

Princess Poodleswirl says:

Those cogs might be planning to destroy toontowns fun!

Samson says:

STUFF IS ABOUT TO GET REAL, TOONTOWN STYLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sir jake frinklesnooker says:

if those cogs come to steal my beans,I will destroy them!!!!!!!!

Fireball says:

Oh no! I think the cogs are plotting together to steal our beans! We won't stand for this, toons unite!

Venus Transit says:

Uh-oh... This certainly doesn't look good, now does it...

Ugly Corny says:

Hmmm... Well flippy you did say that was a water cooler. I wonder if they're having a meeting to plan something big to try to take over Toontown... Keep us posted! I'm anxious too see what they have planned.

Tiffany says:

Maybe the CJ and the CEO are planning to unite Bossbots and Lawbots to try to overpower us. They might even get VP and CFO to join them. -shudders-

Popcorn Wildzap says:

Whatever those cogs are planning well show em what for!

Flipper says:

Wow! Do you think maybe they're planning on taking our jellybeans, and ruining our fun?

Nightmare (99 laff) says:

time to pick my wedding cake, its about to get messy XD

Green ( 36 laff ) says:

Now this calls for extra gag training! time to start finishing those toontasks, and looking at Toon News... For the Amused!Toons of the world, Unite!

Quackers says:

We Toon's must stop those Cogs

Cutie Pie says:

These crazy cogs are no match for our gags, wits, and strategy. We will fight and we WILL win!

fritz says:

we will never give up our jelly beans

prince stinky crumbleblabber says:

i think the cogs are sending stronger cogs to toontown central because i saw some level four cogs and a few glad handers

Athena says:

This doesn't look good at all. We have to find a way to stop this before it starts! They might be teaming up! I bet they are trying to stop our fun by stealing our beans. If we have no beans, we can't buy gags! Without gags, we can't defeat cogs! Think of what jellybeans have to do with our fun. Everything! We should find a way to protect our Jellybean Banks! They are probably talking about their evil plan! :O

Loony Lemontoon says:

Whatever it is we can take em!

Sheriff Dusty Blubbertoon says:

Those cogs think they are all so bad but us toons can beat them where ever they are.

Boy says:

the Big Wig is asking a question!

Sheriff Peaches Crunchenfish says:

Finally, some action! Let's send these guys to the slammer! Unite!

penny twinkelpop says:

Maybe they are going to shut down the trolleys? Anything they do we can stop! Toons of the world, UNITE!!

supertoon says:

it looks like the Bigwig is trying to tell them about the jellybeans so they can they take away the jellybeans away from us so we can't buy gags any more and the one is saying fun that means that they are gonna take the jellybeans and gags away so we can't fight them anymore